Important : Please read 

As some of you maybe noticing that my comments are going into your spam folder and therefore, I am informing you about this issue. 

I had contacted WP through the Contact us” option in the WP app and they responded by saying that they have meet due to which they will remain busy till 22nd of this month. 

In the meantime, I am going to tell you some steps about how to solve this issue as for some of my followers this issue isn’t there.

Please read the below given steps carefully and follow them – 

  1. If you see my comments in your spam folder, first hit “UNSPAM” on my comments as it will tell the algorithm which is marking my comments as spam that it isn’t the case. 
  2. Then move into the pending folder of your comments sections and there hit “APPROVE” so that my comment shows up on your posts. 

    P.S – It is good to keep visiting spam folder as there maybe some valuable comments that may surprise you. 

    P.P.S – I really am thankful if you follow these extra steps. It means a lot to me that you are spending some extra time for an issue which isn’t because of you.


    THANK YOU. 😊🙂

    17 thoughts on “Important : Please read 

                      1. That’s good. I visit those blogs regularly with which my conversation remains alive and I do keep it in my mind as to who tried to keep a conversation going on.

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